Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas 2008

                                   The Waiting Game
                                   Roughly 4 minutes later...the damage
                                   Testing out the new toys  
                                                    Breakfast by dad
                     Christmas Eve, I took this picture about 2:00 am
                                         My Crew
My cute Nephew in his new boarding hat, he and Bubba got matching ones!
              Matching jammas too, he liked the snow boarding hat better I think!
Egg Nog Smiles, he drank more than a gallon in about 4 days!
                            Nothin like new jammas on Christmas Eve  
Santa's treat plate prepared by the one and only Pooka Jones (aka Alyssa) 
Her note was so sweet, I told her Dr. Pepper was for sure hands down Santa's favorite drink, and sure enough she drank all of it, I mean HE drank all of it at about 1:15 am  :)  Christmas was great this year, it always makes me happy to have unlimited time with my family.  It was a little tricky this year as I was really sick so it was interesting but none the less we pulled it off.  Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday as well.  Happy 2009, and good luck with all your new goals!! 


Jobi Niu said...

What a good lookin crew you have!! I was laughing when you said "roughly 4 mins later".. ha ha ha ha The letter to Santa.. ha ha LOL.. I loved it! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. It was good seein you the other day. Ya look GREAT!

Tara Prince said...

So cute! I can't get over how much your son Ethan looks like Joe at that age. Joe was about that age when I decided he should marry Channy, because he was so flippin' cute!

~ One Girl ~ said...

Hi Rachel! I found your blog through Becca (Clark) Bjorkman! You're a great blogger! Happy to see you neighbor, even if it's in cyberspace. Can't wait for the snow to clear a bit, so we can all see each other more! Tootles.