Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bubba Snowboards

A couple of weeks ago I took Jared and his buddy sledding, when we got there Jared (5) informed me that sitting on his sled was "dumb." The next thing I knew he was flying down the hill standing on his sled, that he kept referring to as his "Big Board."  I took as many pictures as I could as fast as I could and this is what I captured. 

This picture is priceless, and says it all!  He did this for over an hour straight and cried when it was time to go.  He would stand on the board and ride to the bottom of the hill without falling. I really could not believe what I was seeing, I think we might have to get him up on the slopes! He had absolutely no fear and no question in his mind that he could do it, it reminded me of the time when he was 2 and he told me he could swim all by his "selth" as he jumped off the side of the pool into the deep end.  I never knew I could swim that fast, he still tried to talk me into letting him go after my rescue! The snowboarding went a little better than the swimming. Check out the slide show at the end of my blog page to see a few more pics of Bubba Boarding!

Friday, December 5, 2008

We have a TEENAGER!

So yes, it is official...WE ARE THE PARENTS OF A TEENAGER, and he now has a cellphone too! The more I say it the more I become in denial.  The night before his birthday Dave informed him to not be shocked, but that he was going to wake up the next day with a terrible attitude, pimples, and knowing everything about life.  Alyssa also informed him to not forget that he was going to have armpit hair the next day as well!   Ben is such an awesome kid, and the truth is he woke up on his birthday the very same sweet and kind kid that he has always been.  

Birthday Boy!

Alyssa wanted to make Ben's cake this year for his birthday.  She did a great job, and she did everything all by herself...exactly how she prefers to do everything.  :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Johnson Family Pics 2008

Don't be fooled by all of these cute smiling kids!  After some yelling, some outfit conflicts, some arguing, some bribes, and several threats, we managed to pull off some family pictures.  It is never easy, but it wasn't meant to be easy, right?